FEMALES: Black No Collar, Black Peach Collar, Black Lt Pink collar all equal...
then Orange collar Bicolor, Red Collar Sable, Purple collar sable and Orange pretty equal.
MALES: Blk male, green collar sable, royal and mint collar sables equal,
FEMALES: Orange collar Sable, Purple collar sable, Orange collar Bicolor, Lt Pink collar
blk female and Red Collar sable equal, Peach collar blk female, No collar black female.
MALES: Mint collar sable, Royal blue sable, Green collar sable, & blk male just slightly smaller
FEMALES: Orange collar Sable and Orange collar bicolor equal, Purple collar sable and Red collar sable equal Lt Pink, peach and no collar black females pretty equal.
MALES: Green Collar sable, Mint and Royal collar sables, Black male
FEMALES AND MALES: ALL pups were very good in this category.
FEMALES: Orange collar bicolor, Peach collar blk female, Orange collar sable, red collar sable and
purple collar sable all very good hunt drive, lt pink and no collar blk females still very good
but somewhat less intense than the others at this age.
MALES: Royal Blue and Mint collar boys
FEMALES: Orange collar sable, Orange collar Bicolor, Purple collar sable.
MALES: Royal Blue, Mint and Green collar sables equal, Black male
: FEMALES: Red collar sable, Purple collar sable,
Orange collar BiColor, orange collar sable and Lt Pink collar black female pretty equal,
peach and no collar black females very loving and people friendly.
MALES: Mint collar and Royal collar equal, then green collar sable and blk male equal